Privacy policy

This legal statement and privacy policy are an integral part of our website, which cannot be separated from the general contracting conditions, operations or reservations.

The use of our website indicates complete acceptance, without exclusion, of the conditions contained in these clause sand it is a prove of express consent to contract the service booked.

The CLIENT may only use the website to make legitimate enquiries or bookings for yourself or another person for whom you are legally authorized to act. The CLIENT shall not:

Confidential information

Confidential information shall be deemed as any information or data, whether or not it has been drawn up in hard or soft copy or in any other support that is already in use or that could be invented in the future, which each party notifies or provides to the other or that the latter may have access to with or without the knowledge and/or express consent of the other party.

Therefore, confidential information shall be deemed as the following and will include, but not be limited to: any databases and prototypes created from the documents provided, proprietary management software, computer system passwords, information on users, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, addresses of offices, agencies ,departments and headquarters, computer programs, copies, Jlc, routines, sources, functional and organizational analysis, know-how, formulae, processes, ideas, inventions (whether patentable or not), financial data and development plans, strategies, the contents of any bids that may be made and any other supporting documents, data or material belonging to Romania Travel Plus or available in its website that the CLIENT may have access to, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, addresses of residences, signatures, ID or passport copies, credit card details, personal preferences, disabilities, or any special dietary or religious requirements or any other information related to the final consumer and the accommodation establishment or service supplier may need to access to only for the purpose of completing your reservation and for the purposes of associated administration.

Under no circumstances may the following be considered as confidential information:


Access to may involve the use of cookies, although the website can run without the use of cookies. Cookies are small files of information stored on the browser of each user so that the server can recognize certain information that only the server can read. Cookies last for a limited time. No cookies can permit any telephone, email or other identification details to be revealed. Cookies cannot extract any information from the user’s hard drive or steal personal information. The only way that a user’s private information can form part of a cookie file is if the user personally give this information to the server.

Although cookies help us to optimize your booking process, users who do not wish to receive cookies or wish to be informed of their presence, can configure their browser to that effect.

This web site is administered by Romania Travel Plus S.R.L

When you visit this web site Romania Travel Plus may collect personal data about you, either directly (where you are asked to provide the data) or indirectly.
Romania Travel Plus will, however, only use these personal data in accordance with the purposes set forth in this Privacy Statement and is committed to safeguarding the personal information collected.
This statement sets out the purposes of Romania Travel Plus data processing in respect of this web site, the use of cookies and how to effect your rights in respect of your personal data.

Purposes of processing

Romania Travel Plus collects and processes information about customers and visitors to its web site to conduct its business, to inform and make available products and services that may be of interest to you and for the development of web statistics. The information you provide will be used to contact you when necessary, e.g. to notify you about functionality changes to the web site and to offer services that you may find helpful (provided you have not opted out to receive such services).

Sensitive data

Romania Travel Plus does not seek to collect sensitive personal data (such as data revealing political opinions, religious beliefs or data concerning health or sex life) through this site. If Romania Travel Plus does seek to collect such data, your prior consent hereto will be asked. Please note that, by providing Romania Travel Plus with unsolicited sensitive personal data you consent to our using those data as described above.

Third party sites

Please note that this Privacy Statement does not extend to third party sites linked to this web site.